Today’s Harvest Blog

Today’s Harvest is a valued, timely resource for stories, news, tips and information relevant to Northeast agriculture and our customers.
Farm tractor in a field during the fall harvest

Latest From Today's Harvest Blog

Crop Insurance

Boosting Dairy Farm Resilience with Dairy Revenue Protection

Megan Clancy

Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) is a valuable tool to help dairy farmers mitigate the risks of the dairy industry, including market fluctuations, weather conditions, and production variables. By offering robust, flexible and affordable program options, DRP helps to stabilize incomes and support the sustainability of dairy operations.

June 11, 2024

Cow milking facility and mechanized milking equipment

Latest Tax Talk

Two farmers in a crop field looking at a tablet
Tax Talks
Handling State Tax Refunds from Business Tax Credits

With many taxpayers having filed their 2023 taxes, refunds are appearing in their bank accounts. There may be a question of what to do with these funds. Particularly for those in states that had an expansion of refundable credits generated from farm businesses.

May 29, 2024

Today's Harvest Blog

Tag: business management 
Business Tips and Tools
Planning a Good Year

Whether you're planning for a banner year or bracing for the worst, the main factors in any business are planning and communication. Farm Credit East Business Consultant, Ethan Robertson, gives some specific examples of planning for the year ahead, as well as succession planning for further into the future.

March 22, 2022

Agronomist with tablet in field of green row crops.
Business Tips and Tools
The Ability to Change -That's the Secret Sauce

Originally published in Hoard's Dairyman, this article by Roger Murray, Farm Credit East Chief Marketplace Officer, examines the characteristics and process of operating a business with a sustainable competitive advantage.

March 08, 2022

Business Tips and Tools
Setting Up Your Spring Crop Insurance Policy: Revenue Protection Vs. Yield Protection
As the March 15 deadline to finalize risk management plans for the year approaches, producers are faced with an important decision: revenue vs. yield protection. Daniele Ricci, Crop Growers LLP, gives an overview of the policies, and how to determine the right protection for your operation.

February 22, 2022

Business Tips and Tools
A Reset in Communication

Effective business communication is dependent on how employees and management interact with each other to reach operational goals. But what if there’s a disruption to that communication or a formal plan was never discussed? Jon Jaffe, Farm Credit East business consultant, guides readers through the steps of a communication reset.

July 13, 2021

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