Today’s Harvest Blog

Today’s Harvest is a valued, timely resource for stories, news, tips and information relevant to Northeast agriculture and our customers.
Farm tractor in a field during the fall harvest

Latest From Today's Harvest Blog

Crop Insurance

Assistance Available for Connecticut Producers Impacted by Flooding and Hail

Farm Credit East Knowledge Exchange

Following recent flooding and hail events across Connecticut, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is offering the following programs to assist impacted farmers and livestock producers.

September 17, 2024

Flooded corn field with tractor tire marks, blue skies

Latest Tax Talk

Middle aged woman completing tax paperwork
Tax Talks
Navigating Charitable Contributions Post-TCJA

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted in 2017 and in effect from 2018 – 2025 has had a substantial effect on itemizing deductions. The resulting changes have impacted the tax consequences of making charitable contributions, especially for senior citizens. A remedy to this can be to use Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from an IRA account.

August 28, 2024

Today's Harvest Blog

Tag: cost of production 
looking up from the ground at a man with baseball cap on standing in cornfield working on a digital tablet,
Business Tips and Tools
Understanding your Cost of Production

Risk management is the name of the game. If you know your Cost of Production (COP), your risk management strategy can set you up to preserve three things: liquidity, equity for future investments and equity for retirement. 

February 06, 2023

Business Tips and Tools
Tips for Managing your Business in an Inflationary Environment

Topping news headlines is inflation and its impact on the U.S. economy. As measured by the Consumer Price Index, inflation is currently running in the 8% range and prices are rising at a rate we haven’t seen since the early 1980s. Learn strategies for producers to manage through the current inflationary environment. 

July 19, 2022

Business Tips and Tools
Will That Purchase Pay For Itself?

Originally published in Hoard's Dairyman, this article by Roger Murray, Farm Credit East Chief Marketplace Officer, examines how to prioritize capital investments using a variety of strategies, including partial budgeting, 

June 07, 2022

Business Tips and Tools
Setting Up Your Spring Crop Insurance Policy: Revenue Protection Vs. Yield Protection
As the March 15 deadline to finalize risk management plans for the year approaches, producers are faced with an important decision: revenue vs. yield protection. Daniele Ricci, Crop Growers LLP, gives an overview of the policies, and how to determine the right protection for your operation.

February 22, 2022

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