Whistleblower Reporting System


Farm Credit East has established a confidential and anonymous solution for reporting suspected illegal and unethical activities within the framework of the Association. This solution is targeted to report instances of suspected fraud, inclusive of embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and intentional misrepresentation of financial records and/or reports. The whistleblower system is not designed for making comments or complaints regarding customer service matters. For these matters, please go to the Contact Us page


A whistleblower report may be anonymously made by leaving a message with an independent, third-party vendor, EthicsPoint. 

Internet: www.ethicspoint.com 

Toll-free phone (within the US): 1-877-237-8304


Reports will maintain the highest degree of confidentially, using EthicsPoint to facilitate the suspected activity. Reports may be completed anonymously, or the reporter may provide their name to EthicsPoint. 


Any report filed will be forwarded to the Association’s Chief Alliance and Risk Officer and Standards of Conduct Official, and if the matter relates to an accounting/auditing matter or fraud, to the Board Audit Committee Chair for review and resolution. 

Protection for Reporters 

Reprisal and retaliation for reporting wrongdoing is prohibited by Federal laws and regulations. See the No Fear Act and the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. However, action may be taken against an individual for knowingly making a false complaint or providing false information.